3 Best Procedures For Tooth Replacement In Melbourne

The human dental arcade is one of the main reasons for the charming nature of one’s smile and facial beauty. Apart from this, the different teeth set help in different functions like incisors are ideal for cutting while canines are good for biting deep. 

With such important functions, you can well assume how difficult will it be for you to continue your lifestyle with a broken or missing tooth. Several reasons are there which lead to such circumstance like accidents, a harsh blow to the jaws, naturally falling off tooth and others. Once the tooth breaks or falls off, it wouldn’t grow back again naturally, and that’s where tooth replacement in Melbourne comes in. 

Using this process, a dentist designs an artificial tooth with the matching size and shape of the tooth you have lost. Once done, he chooses any of the techniques to replace the broken or the missing tooth with the artificial ones. Once the artificial tooth is set, you won’t be able to tell the differences easily, which is why tooth replacement has become quite famous. 

Here, we have talked about some of the main ways in which the broken teeth can be easily replaced without much hassle. 

Removable Dentures

One of the best ways to replace the broken or missing teeth is by placing a denture in place. The dentures are made from ceramic or resin which isn’t harmful to humans. These are of the same shape as the concerned human and hence, the dentures can be easily customized. Now, there are two types of dentures:

1. Removable partial denture which covers only a particular group of teeth

2. Removal complete denture which contains most of the teeth of the dental arcade

Dental Caps

The next replacement technique that most dentists prefer to implement is the dental cap in Bulleen. These caps are made from a resin material which makes them customizable and highly durable. The caps are mainly used to cover the broken tooth and replace its original structure. In case you want to replace your yellow-stained tooth, your dentist can prefer to have a dental cap. 


Implantation is one of the most popular methods of replacing the missing or broken tooth where a screw or any implanting platform is fixed in the root and a false tooth replica is fixed at the top. These implants are highly durable and do not come off easily, no matter how hard you are chewing or biting your food. 


Here, we have discussed the three most essential ways of tooth replacement in Melbourne. Now, you have an idea that even if one of your teeth is missing or has broken, you can easily get it fixed with the help of a dentist. 


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